Introduction of colorful carnation cultivation techniques

Introduction of colorful Dianthus cultivation techniques :

Dianthus has a long history of cultivation in China. Ming "Flower History" contains "Dendrobium flower must be rooted every year." The main features of the Dianthus should be planted frequently. The "Flower Mirror" also mentions "Foliage Slim and green."

Dianthus is a perennial herbaceous flower with no perennial roots. It is cultivated for one or two years. Potted Dianthus requires the application of base fertilizer, 2-3 strains per pot. The seedling grows to a height of 15 cm and removes the top bud, which promotes its branching. Afterwards, it is necessary to remove the axillary buds properly. Otherwise, the branches will be more dispersed, and the nutrients will be dispersed and the flowering will be small. The axillary buds are properly removed to concentrate the nutrients, which can promote the flower to be large and colorful. During the growth period, it should be placed in a sunny and well-ventilated place to keep the soil moist, and apply a decomposed thin liquid fertilizer about every 10 days. Excessive rain in summer, pay attention to drainage and loose soil. Dianthus chinensis is easy to cross, and the seedlings need to be isolated and planted. Some flower buds should be removed in time before flowering, mainly to ensure the flowering of the top flower buds. Watering should be less in winter. If the temperature is kept at 5-8 degrees, winter and spring will continue to bloom.

Cultivation essentials:

Breeding with seeds and fertility. In addition to the colorful carnation, there are Japanese Dianthus, American Dianthus and so on. Among them, American Dianthus prefers a cool climate. It can be used to trim the first flower to promote the second flowering type and the number of flowers is larger. Love alkaline soil, the medium should not be too wet in winter.

Pests and their prevention and treatment:

There are often rust and red spider hazards. Rust can be sprayed with 50% rust-free WP 1500 times, and red spider is sprayed with 40% Omethoate EC 1500 times.

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