Winter wheat weak seedlings can make up fertilizer

Almost every year, wheat in some local areas will have different degrees of frost damage. This year, wheat freeze damage occurs in arid areas of Huaibei and some long-term wheat fields. The damage of frozen areas in large areas is not heavy, only the leaves are frozen, and the main stems and tillers are not Severely frozen. Wheat is slightly frosted and generally does not require special measures to remedy it.

After the planting of wheat this year, there was no large rainfall for a long time, the soil in the field was dry, and the drought in Huaibei area continued to be continued recently. At present, the wheat in our province is in the wintering period, and the wheat seedlings have strong drought resistance and antifreeze ability, especially the wheat with large growth before the sowing and wintering. The root system is generally developed, and it can absorb water from the deep soil and resist drought. Strong resistance to freezing. In the field of soil freezing, as long as the wheat seedlings do not have serious symptoms such as leaf death, generally do not water or water to fight drought. Irrigation of wheat field during the freezing period of soil is likely to cause water and ice in the field, causing a “cutting” hazard to the wheat seedlings (the upper part of the wheat seedlings is lifted up when the surface water is iced, and the wheat seedlings are pulled off); the smaller wheat seedlings may Due to long-term suffocation in the ice, or uprooted (known as "root"), the roots are moved up and severely damaged. The recent low temperature, and the weather forecast has a large range of snowfall, can supplement the farmland water to a certain extent, generally do not flood the farmland. In the field where the soil is too dry and the wheat is seriously dehydrated, in order to prevent the dry and dead seedlings, the water can be immersed in the “cold tail warm head” (generally required when the daily average temperature is greater than 3 ° C, the soil can be “freezing and freezing” get on). Pay attention to the speed irrigation speed to avoid water and ice in the field.

The amount of wheat in the wintering period is small, and the demand for fertilizer is small. Usually, it is not necessary to fertilize, and then fertilize in the spring. In the field, the basic seedlings are insufficient, the base fertilizer is insufficiently applied, and the seedlings are weak and the fields can be properly fertilized. Generally, 5 to 10 kg of urea is applied per mu. In winter, fertilization in addition to a small supply of wheat seedlings in the winter, it is basically winter application, can promote the long roots of wheat, early return to green, consolidate the tillering before winter, promote spring and spring tillers, increase the rate of adulteration. Wheat fields with sufficient application of base fertilizer and good seedling quality are generally not suitable for fertilization during the wintering period. Otherwise, the ineffective tillering will increase, the population will be too large, the base will be excessively elongated, and the later stage will be easy to fall, which will not be conducive to high yield and stable yield.
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