Some misunderstandings when choosing fingerprint locks

Fingerprint locks are highly sought after by high-end families! Installing fingerprint locks at home doors is not only convenient for our daily lives and work, but also reflects the quality and taste of modern homes. However, some users often enter into some misunderstandings when purchasing fingerprint locks. These errors must be avoided.

Some misunderstandings when choosing fingerprint locks

1, the more expensive the better or the cheaper the better

A good, cost-effective product is the best product. The expensive product may be because the cost of his advertising is too high or the cost of the product is too high, it does not necessarily mean that the value of the product is high. Cheaper products may also be the one-sided pursuit of low-cost, reduced investment in protection circuits, or the use of inferior and used chips. Therefore, the contractor must keep his eyes open to make a reasonable assessment of the product's performance and price ratio. The most cost-effective product is the best choice.


Many people are too focused on the appearance of the door and the steel plate when choosing security doors, but they ignore the heart of the security door---locks. Some unscrupulous merchants are also using the consumer's lack of knowledge about security doors. The locks without anti-theft functions are used as anti-drilling and tamper-proof "advanced locks." They even say that their own anti-theft locks have more locks and lock points. not open. In fact, these merchants are confusing the concept of lock points and lock cylinders. The lock point is the point where the door body and the wall body are connected together. The lock point can only prevent smashing, and the lock core is the core of the anti-theft lock. There is only one lock cylinder in the lock. No matter how strong the door body is, how many lock points, all controlled by the lock cylinder, as long as the lock cylinder is open, all the lock points are open, in a thick steel plate have become furnishings.

2, fingerprint lock terminal function as much as possible

Electronic products that are stable and durable without problems are all simple in function, but they can meet the needs; too many fancy functions are not used at all, but are only used by manufacturers to advertise their cheeks and never use them. it's meaningless. Using enough is the basis for your choice. Complex system integration is a simple combination of individual systems.

3, fingerprint door lock function is stronger and better

Many fingerprint door lock system manufacturers in China publicize how powerful their products have, and exaggerate the function of the fingerprint door lock control function. In fact, it is the most important for the door lock control to be stable and the function is simple and practical. We propose to shield the powerful extension function, and customers need to provide it to meet their needs. Some functions that customers do not use should not be recommended to customers. This can reduce the cost and maintenance costs of training, and customers can also use it freely. .

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