Category: 202208
Chemical herbicides commonly used in corn fields

There are 43 species of weeds in summer corn fields, including 12 species of monocotyledon…

Aluminum rises, and the spot market is relatively lukewarm

Although spot prices have risen over the period, the spot market is still boring. The market pr…

Proper use of chlorbenzuron pesticides

1. During the prevention period, seize a word of "young"

In the early l…

How to use boron fertilizer in rapeseed field

The lack of boron in rapeseed fields is more serious, which often causes flowers to be unr…

Aluminum prices are expected to stabilize back to 16,000 levels

• The three-month aluminum of the London Metal Exchange (LME) closed down $20 to $1,805, …

Development and application of multi-biological organic-inorganic compound fertilizer

The multi-biological organic-inorganic compound fertilizer and bio-active bacterial fertil…

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